FASR - Standerton airport
FASR stands for Standerton airport
Here you will find, what does FASR stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Standerton airport? Standerton airport can be abbreviated as FASR What does FASR stand for? FASR stands for Standerton airport. What does Standerton airport mean?Standerton airport is an expansion of FASR
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Alternative definitions of FASR
View 2 other definitions of FASR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FASQ Seagulls airport
- FASP Sir Lowry's Pass airport
- FASO Stormsriver airport
- FASN Senekal airport
- FASM Swakopmund airport
- FASL Sutherland airport
- FASK Swartkop airport
- FASI Springs airport
- FASH Stellenbosch airport
- FASG Schweizer Reneke airport
- FASE Sanae airport
- FASD Saldanha Vredenburg airport
- FASC Secunda airport
- FASB Springbok airport
- FASA Sani Pass airport
- FARZ Reitz airport
- FARU Rundu airport
- FARS Robertson airport
- FARP Rosh Pinah airport
- FARO Rooiberg airport